Business Portfolio

Distribution and Production

As distributor and co-operations partner of various manufacturers we support our clients in the procurement of well-priced materials. We offer our clients customized products and solutions, besides standard products. Our manufacturers meet all of the essential quality standards, such as: ISO-9001, and often also the automotive-certification ISO/TS 16949. In our ISO-9001 certified warehouse directly at Munich International Airport we store project specific stock. We provide e.g. scheduled delivery, just in time delivery and consignment stock.

Sourcing obsolete and allocation goods

We source obsolete and allocation goods from reliable sources: either from our own warehouse stock, from our joint ventures, through OEMs or through further world-wide contacts. We also offer our clients the possibility of ordering low priced refurbished refurbished Refurbished goods are low priced, high quality, as good as new goods, which have been tested and reconditioned to fulfill all requirements.- goods with guarantee (often recertified by the manufacturer).

Selling your excess stock

Excess stock is tied capital. In order to free this tied capital we assist in selling your excess stock.